disciplined mind brings happiness

Purification of Mind through Learning & Practicing Bhuddhism and Meditation

Dhamma Teaching

Please join our weekly education sessions to learn about Buddhism and Meditation. Add more text here …


At our center we hold weekly meditation learning and practice session ……….

Buddha Day

We celebrate Buddha Day every year on ……. Please write some text here about Buddha Day ……

Dana Blessings

Please join us offering dana to sangha every week ….. please write some text here.

Kathina Ceremony

Each hear year we celebrate Kathina Ceremony where we offer robes to our sangha ….. please write some text here …….

Learning Buddhism

It is possible to attain ‘nibbana’ through purification of mind and anyone can attain this. Learn more about Buddhism and purify your mind …. please write some more text here

Join our community journey towards finding path for nibbana